Friday, December 15, 2006

Done with Finals!

Mmm ... It's so good to feel human again ...

I've slept, eaten a real meal, showered, done laundry, cleaned my room: I've reclaimed my life!

Today was my last day of finals, and wow! I can't believe how fast this semester flew by. On one hand, it feels good to be done with finals (which were pretty brutal) and take a break. On the other hand, I'm sad too, because I take my responsibility as a student very seriously, and I wasn't a good steward academically speaking this semester. Now it's too late to change that - what's done is done. Rachel and Geoff would say that I'm being dramatic, that I'm still going to get A's, and that I need to relax. While I'll admit that I probably do need to relax, and while it's true that I'm still going to get good grades, it's not that which makes me feel uncomfortable. I'd be happier with lower grades that represented my best, but this semester was not my best; I didn't give it my all. That's just hard for me to accept. I slacked way to much this semester. So I'll still have summa cumme laude grades, but how can I honestly be proud of them knowing that I did only the bare minimum?

Anyway. Sorry that that was a bit of a downer. The good news is I'm going out to eat with Geoff tonight. An actual date! And it's not even Valentine's day!

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Blog Tag

Okay. I give. I'm blogging. I'm a blogger.

After much resisting, I decided to join the ranks of the Blog. It's like in Blob tag - eventually you're going to be overcome by the Blob. It's inevitable. It's just a matter of time before you get tagged and find yourself running around, screaming, trying to capture anyone who's still not a part of the Blob.

Geoff tagged me. When he told me that he'd started a blog, I felt dismayed, because I knew it would not be long before I, too, would succumb to the Blog. I know, I know, "If Geoff jumped off a bridge, would you start a blog too?" Well, I've obviously already done that, so consider yourself answered.

In conclusion, I have mixed feelings about this, but, I'm trying to overcome my anti-blog bias.